Model : PPS-9312
* Meter connects with 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 400 bar Input signal * Input 4 mA = 0 pressure
sensor, no calibration procedures are necessary typically from sensor * Input 20 mA = full scale pressure
when change a new sensor . Sampling Time Approx. 1 second.
* Unit select : Bar, PSI, Kg/cm^2, inch Hg, mm Hg, Relay Output Number 2 relays
inch H2O, meter H2O, Atmosphere, hPa, KPa. Function Relay 1 :
* Large red LED display, high brightness and easy to read. Control relay.
* Control setting, Hi/Lo alarm setting. Relay 2 :
* Control relay output, alarm relay output. High/Low alarm relay.
* Alarm Relay will make action when the reading value Max load 0.5 ACA/250 ACV
reach to high/low alarm value. 0.5 DCA/24 DCV
* Control Relay will make action when the reading value * Do not apply the relay
reach to control value. contact load current
* Hysteresis value setting for control and alarm function. > 0.5 A, other wise the
* Microprocessor circuit ensures high accuracy and relay may be damaged
provides special functions and features. permanently without
* Power : 90 ACV to 264 ACV, 50/60 Hz. warranty.
* Cooperate the 4-20 mA pressure input, sensor can Setting 1st layer CtLo ( Control low limit )
install in the faraway position. Function setting CtHi ( Control high limit )
* DC 12V output, used for the power of pressure sensor. procedures ALLo ( Alarm low limit )
* RS-232/USB computer interface. ALHi ( Alarm high limit )
* DIN size : 96 x 48 mm. Depth : 107 mm. Second layer tyPE ( Sensor type )
* Optional pressure sensor, TR-PS2W-xxBAR, PS93MA-xxBAR. setting FiLt ( Digital filter )
* Optional USB cable, USB-01. procedures CtHy ( Control hysteresis set )
* Optional data acquisition software. ALHy ( Alarm hysteresis set )
* Optional GSM controller. oFSt ( Offset adjustment )
GAin ( Gain adjustment )
Display 4 digits red LED, digit size : 14 mm. External DC 12 V, 50 mA max.
x 10, x100 indicator Power Supply
Circuit Custom chip of microprocessor LSI Data Output RS 232 PC serial interface.
circuit. Operating 0 to 50 ℃.
Sensor type Can cooperate with optional 2, 5, 10, 20, Temperature
50, 100, 200, 400 bar two wires 4 to 20 Operating Less than 80% R.H.
mA pressure sensor, new calibration are Humidity
not necessary typically when change the Power Supply 90 to 260 ACV, 50/60 Hz.
new sensor . Power Approx. 5.3 VA/AC 110V.
* Sensor type can make the internal Consumption Approx. 7.3 VA/AC 220V.
setting with default Weight 384 g/ 0.84 LB.
Display units Bar, Psi, Kg/cm^2, mm Hg, inch Hg, Dimension DIN size : 96 x 48 mm.
meter H2O, inch H2O, Atmosphere, Depth : 110 mm.
hPa, KPa. Accessories Instruction manual…………………………1 PC
* Unit can make the internal setting with Included Case holder with screw……………………2 PCs
default Optional Two wires pressure transmitters,
Accuracy ± ( 0.5% + 2 d ) Accessories Model : TR-PS2W-xx BAR
* Meter only. * Range : 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
* Within 23 ℃± 5 ℃ 400 BAR.
Pressure Cooperate the optional two wires ( or * Data Acquisition software,
sensor four wires ) 4 to 20 mA pressure SW-U801-WIN.
* optional sensors ( transmitters ). * RS232 cable, UPCB-02.
* two wires sensor : TR-PS2W-xxBAR * USB cable, USB-01.
* Four wires sensor : PS93MA-xxBAR * Real time SD card datalogger
Offset adjust It can make the internal Offset setting DL-9602SD
with default. * GSM controller, GSM-889.
Gain adjust It can make the internal Gain setting * Interface cable ( cable between meter
with default to GSM-889 ), GMCB-89.