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Model : PVA-6067

* Measurement range ( no cooperate with the external CT and the PT ) :

  VA : 0 to 6,000 VA.

  ACV : 0 to 600 ACV, 40 to 400 Hz.

  ACA : 0 to 10 A, 40 to 400 Hz.

* True rms for VA measurement.

* Current input can cooperate with the external CT ( Current transformer ) such as CT 1000/%A, CT 100/5A …to expand the measurement range. The PT range can be adjusted with default.

* Control setting, Hi/Lo alarm setting.

* Control setting relay output, alarm relay output.

* Power : 90 ACV to 264 ACV, 50/60 Hz.

* RS232/USB computer interface.








Download Catalogue: userfiles/PVA-6067(3).pdf


Model : PVA-6067
* Professional Apparent power meter with standard DIN Setting 1st layer CtLo ( Control low limit )
case ( 96 x 48 mm ) and Control/Alarm function. Function setting CtHi ( Control high limit )
* Microprocessor circuit ensures high accuracy and procedures ALLo ( Alarm low limit )
provide special functions and features. ALHi ( Alarm high limit )
* Large red LED display, high brightness and easy to read. Second layer CtSt ( CT rate setting )
* Measurement range ( no cooperate the external CT and setting PtSt ( PT rate setting )
the PT ) : procedures CtHy ( Control hysteresis value
VA : 0 to 6,000 VA. setting )
* Input signal ( without PT, CT ) : ALHy ( Alarm hysteresis value
ACV : 0 to 600 ACV, 40 to 400 Hz. setting )
ACA : 0 to 10 A, 40 to 400 Hz. Zero Automatic adjustment.
* Current input can cooperate the external CT ( current Adjustment
transformer ) such as CT 1000/5A, CT 100/5A …to Operating perating 0 to 50 ℃.
expend the measurement range. The CT range can be Temperature
adjusted with default. Operating Less than 80% R.H.
* Voltage input can cooperate the external PT ( voltage Humidity
transformer ) to expend the measurement range. The Power Supply 90 to 260 ACV, 50/60 Hz.
PT range can be adjusted with default. Power Approx. 3.3 VA/AC 110V.
* Control setting, Hi/Lo alarm setting. Consumption Approx. 4.9 VA/AC 220V.
* Control relay output, alarm relay output. * Under no load
* Control Relay will make action when the reading value Weight 261 g/ 0.57 LB.
reach to control value. Dimension DIN size : 96 x 48 mm.
* Alarm Relay will make action when the reading value Panel cut size : 92 x 46 mm.
reach to high/low alarm value. Depth : 110 mm.
* Hysteresis value setting for control and alarm function. Accessories Instruction manual………………………1 PC
* Power : 90 ACV to 264 ACV, 50/60 Hz. Included Case holder with screw…………………2 PCs
* RS232/USB computer interface. Optional USB cable , USB – 01
* Option data acquisition software. Accessories RS232 cable , UPCB – 02
Data Acquisition software SW-U801-WIN
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS * Real time SD card datalogger
Display Large LED display. 4 digit LED . DL-9602SD
14 mm ( 0.55 inch ) digit height . * GSM controller, GSM-889.
6 indicators . * Interface cable ( cable between meter
PV ( process value ) indicator to GSM-889 ), GMCB-89.
SV ( set value ) indicator
Alarm out indicator
VA indicator Without PT and CT ( direct input )
KVA indicator
Circuit Custom chip of microprocessor LSI Range 0 VA to 6,000 VA
circuit. Resolution 1 VA
VA 0 – 6,000 VA. Accuracy ± ( 0.5 %+5d ) reading
measurement * w/o PT. CT. Remark :
Input signal ACV : 0 to 600 ACV, 40 to 400 Hz. * T11, T15 ACV input : 10 ACV to 600 ACV .
ACA : 0 to 10 A, 40 to 400 Hz. * T16, T15 ACA input : 0.05 ACA to 10 ACA.
* w/o PT. CT. * Accuracy is test under input signal is sine wave, 50/60 Hz.
Sampling Time Approx. 0.8 second. * ACV, ACA frequency response is from 40 to 400 Hz
Relay Output Number 2 relays * Accuracy value is specified within 23℃ ± 5℃
Function Relay 1 :
Control relay. With PT and CT
Relay 2 :
High/Low alarm relay. Range 0 to 999.9 KVA
Max load 0.5 ACA/250 ACV Resolution 0.1 KVA
0.5 DCA/24 DCV Accuracy ± ( 0.5 %+5d ) reading
*Do not apply the relay
contact load current Remark :
> 0.5 A, other wise the * Measuring Signal come from the rear terminals .
relay may be damaged * T11, T15 ACV input : 10 ACV to 600 ACV .
permanently without PT ( Potential transformer ) adjust value : x 1 to x 100.
warranty. * T16, T15 ACA input : 0.05 ACA to 10 ACA.
Over input " – – – – " mark indication. CT ( current transformer ) adjust value : x 1 to x 200.
Data Output RS232 / USB PC Computer interface. * Accuracy is test under input signal is sine wave, 50/60 Hz.
* Connect the optional RS232 cable , * Accuracy is specified for the meter only, not include the
UPCB – 02 will get the RS232 plug. accuracy of CT ( current transformer ) and the PT (
* Connect the optional USB cable, potential transformer ).
USB – 01 will get the USB plug.
* Appearance and specifications listed in this brochure are subject to change without notice. 1109-PVA6067