* In order to log out the measurement data, * SW-E802 is available all the existing LUTRON
some professional data logging software meters ( build in RS232 output ).
are required. However, it decreases the * The USB interface cable use USB-01 as usual.
data management flexibility. SW-E802 can The RS232 interface cable use UPCB-01 or
log out your measurement data on Microsoft UPCB-02 as usual, it is depend the meter model no.
Office Excel, which makes you much easier * Microsoft Office Excel installed on PC is required.
to share, analyze, and manage the * Compatible with Microsoft Windows XP, Windows
measurement results. Vista, and Windows 7.
* SWE-802 is the LUTRON new generation and * Real time data acquisition system. Timeline data
innovation data acquisition software. can be recorded as year/date/min/sec.
* SW-E802 is the embedded software for EXCEL * Data sampling time: 1 to 3,600 seconds.
* After execute the software, will show the EXCEL * Data can be utilized in Excel with general
main screen, then into the configuration screen Excel functions, ex. drawing the data
to select the COM port and setting the scan rate charts.
( sample rate ) then start.